The Evaluation of Techniques for Uncertainty Representation Working Group (ETURWG) is an official activity of the International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF) aimed at providing an evaluation framework for assessing, managing, and reducing uncertainty in Information Fusion systems. A key component of this effort is the development of the Uncertainty Representation and Reasoning Evaluation Framework Ontology (URREF ontology), and this website provides all the details of its development.
Full access to all content of this website is absolutely free and does not imply in any commitment to the group. However, to avoid spam and unsolicited advertising, we do limit access to the discussions and other content to those who are registered to the website. Anyone can request a free registration via the link in the left pane. We neither distribute personal data nor use it to unsolicited emails. In case you are just interested in the URREF ontology code, you can get it from our GitHub page at:
The current version is v5, which was released at the ETURWG meeting at Fusion 2024 (Venice, Italy) on July 8, 2024.
Its associated file is URREF.owl. You can have direct access to this file via the URL:
The URREF ontology is an ongoing work by the ETURWG, and the figure below provides a graphical view of its current state.